AMA Charter 534
AMA District XI
NEW: Wanted!!

The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST)
Is now available on the AMA website.
After taking the test online, you can print your certificate, as long as you have registered with the FAA, as outlined below.
So, now we have three FAA requirements:
- Register with the FAA
- Affix your registration # to the outside of your radio controlled airplane, helicopter, or drone
- Carry TRUST certificate with you
How to Print your
FAA Registration
If you want to:
- Create an account with the FAA,
- Register with the FAA,
- Log in to an existing account, or
- View or print your Registration,
- The first section (Part 107) is for pilots who want to use their UAS commercially.
- The second section "UAS flown by recreational flyers and Modeler Community-Based Organizations (formerly Section 336) is for most of us who just want to fly their aircraft, helicopters, and drones as a hobby.
Click on "Register on line" (even if you already registered - yes, confusing!).
This will bring up the "Section 336 Dashboard" (even though it's really a "Former Section 336 - yes, confusing again!) where you can:
- Create an account or
- Log in to your existing account. After logging in, you will see a "Print" tab on the top right of the page to print your Registration.
Latest News

Congrats to our new 2025 Officers!!!
President: Jay Strickland
V President: Eckhard Koehler
Secretary: Doug McKee
Treasurer: Alan Littlewood
Public Relat.: Rob Merriman
Safety: Mike Dunham
Board Members at Large:
Randy Greer
Rich Hentschell
Joe Porhammer
Thank you for stepping up and a big thanks to our outgoing officers for their hard work during the last two years!

Interested in learning a new
language - how about Aresti?
Click on Hammerhead
symbol below to get started.

If you would like to post items in the Trading Post, send photos (JPG) and pertinent info to: mershs@hotmail.com
Also: please let me know when items are no longer available for sale, so I can take them off the 4 Sale page.
New Photo Albums

Congratulations to the
2024 RE RC Award Winners!
Modeller of the Year:
Babe Caltabiano
Member of the Year:
Rob Merriman
Most Improved Pilot:
Jaeden Ames
Broken Prop Award:
Jeremy Hewitt
Pylon Racing:
Jay Strickland